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Josh Pitchford

Sometime ago, I had a client come to me that had extraordinary potential – established in the marketplace, new the business, and had already been pretty successful. Unfortunately, with the success he had lost control of his life. Constantly fighting "fires" and being totally reactive had made the future look less optimistic with each passing day.

If that sounds like you, you are not alone. In sales and sales management we are often caught- how to do we do what we need to do, when everyone else needs something as well? We find that the most productive part of our day is before everyone gets to the office and phone starts ringing. There are a few things we can do to make sure we stay in control and move our businesses forward, not just help everyone else, throughout the day.

Be diligent with your money. Invest in making yourself better. Know the ROI, and how long until you are playing with "house money". When you invest in yourself, it always comes back around.

For those of you familiar with Sandler, you may have found that as you began to use Up Front Contracts, there was a process. That process may have started with feeling that it felt “sales-y” and contrived. Then, as you begin to better understand and practice, you may have discovered it is tool that you wonder how you ever sold WITHOUT up front contracts.

Occasionally in a meeting, or even after a meeting, we have a thought of “I should ask this question…”. That question, is often the one that we might be fearful to ask, but is the tipping point that could turn the conversation in your favor.

Where do you find yourself most days as part of your daily routine?

Sandler Training Atlanta sales coach, Josh Pitchford shares how a sales rep can make a "snow day" pay returns in future sales.